His Tractor's Sexy

Yup. My Husband's a Farmer!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Stupendous Man.

Sitting around a family gathering a while back, we were going through a book of questions. We came upon the question of what super power you would want if you could have any super power out there. My answer was one stolen from a magazine interview with Piper Perabo (back when she did the movie Coyote Ugly) that I read while sitting in the waiting room of the wisdom tooth doctor. Her answer was to have a background soundtrack to her life. One where the song changed according to her mood. I honestly think that I would rather have that (whether it is considered a super power or not) than any other. Most people would probably pick flying. What would you pick?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting question... Probably something to do with time... stopping time, or being able to go back in time. Remember the show "Out of this World" where she could freeze time by touching her fingertips together? Either that, or have an "Option-Z" key for life, to undo stuff. I find myself needing that lots.

1/23/2007 8:31 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Good question. Mike and I have talked about this before so I know my answer - the ability to be invisible. You could do a lot with that I think.
Although I do like idea of the undo button your sister suggested!

1/23/2007 8:48 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Hey Deb. All you have to do is scrunch up your face really hard and time will stop.

Just be like Hiro!

Best show on TV right now, well it's between that and The Office.

1/24/2007 6:13 PM  

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