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Friday, January 26, 2007

For Kelly & all those other moms out there...

Shortly after discovering that I was pregnant for the first time, I went out and purchased the book, The Power of A Praying Parent, by Stormie O'Martian. Her book on The Power of A Praying Wife revolutionized my life, so I figured this Parent book would be just as good. Even though my baby is still in utero, the prayers are going up. Each chapter touches on areas that are so important and I have a feeling that I will probably end up memorizing the whole thing to make sure I have covered every area of my kid's life in prayer. I had just read the chapter entitled Enjoying Freedom From Fear and then read Kelly's blog from Thursday the 25th. This chapter popped into my head and so I will regurgitate it here meanwhile fully realizing that it is geared for children AND that I haven't become a parent yet and will learn from these words for years to come. I just like a tangible way to deal with a feeling or situation. Hope it helps in some little way.

Fear was a way of life for me as a child because I lived with a mother who was mentally ill. Her bizarre, erratic, and abusive behavior was a constant source of terror. When, as an adult, I came to know the Lord, I learned to identify the true source of fear and battle against it. I’ve employed the same tactics on behalf of my children.

In Los Angeles we lived through earthquakes, fires, floods, riots, and rampant crime. Fear could have controlled our lives if we’d let it. In fact, we found ourselves praying about fear and protection so often that this plea became part of every prayer. Whenever I saw fear begin to grip either of my children, we would pray, read the Bible, sing hymns and worship choruses, and play Christian music. Since we moved away from the area we don’t have to deal with that kind of fear on a daily basis anymore, but the lessons we learned about God’s perfect love casting out all fear have been etched forever in each of our hearts.

Fear is something that comes upon us the moment we don’t believe that God is able to keep us, or all we care about, safe. FEAR- or False Evidence Appearing Real- easily strikes children because they can’t always discern what’s real and what isn’t. Our comfort, reassurance, and love can help them; but praying, speaking the Word of God in faith, and praising God for His love and power, can free them.

When Jesus was at sea with His disciples and a storm came up, He responded to their terror by saying, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith” (Matthew 8:26). He wants us, like them, to believe that our boat won’t sink if He’s in it with us.

There are times, however, when fear is more than a passing emotion. It can grip a child’s heart so strongly and so unreasonably that no actions or words can take it away. When that happens, the child is being harassed by a spirit of fear. And the Bible clearly tells us a spirit of fear does not come from God. It comes from the enemy of our soul.

Parents have the authority and power through Jesus Christ to resist that spirit of fear on their child’s behalf. Fear doesn’t have power over them. We have power over it. Jesus gave us authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Don’t be deceived into thinking otherwise. If fear persists, after you have prayed, ask two or more strong believers to pray with you. Where two or three are gathered together in the name of the Lord, He is there in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). Fear and the presence of the Lord cannot occupy the same space.

Because we have Jesus, we and our children never have to live with or accept a spirit of fear as a way of life.

Your Word says, “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4). I seek You this day, believing that You hear me, and I pray that You will deliver (name of child) from any fear that threatens to overtake her/him. You said You have “not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Flood her/him with Your love and wash away all fear and doubt. Give her/him a sense of Your loving presence that far outweighs any fear that would threaten to overtake her/him. Help her/him to rely on Your power in such a manner that it establishes strong confidence and faith in You. Give her/him a mind so sound that she/he can recognize any false evidence the devil presents to her/him and identify it as having no basis in reality.

Wherever there is a real danger or good reason to fear, give her/him wisdom, protect her/him, and draw her/him close to You. Help her/him not to deny her/his fears, but take them to You in prayer seek deliverance from them. I pray that as she/he draws close to You, Your love will penetrate her/his life and crowd out all fear. Plant Your Word in her/his heart. Let faith take root in her/his mind and soul as she/he grows in Your Word.

Thank you, Lord, for Your promise to deliver us from all our fears. In Jesus’ name I pray for freedom from fear on behalf of my child this day.


Blogger Kelly said...

Wow I get my very own post! :)
This weekend was one of those times I have to laugh at the Lord's timing. Since posting that about my irrational fears, I've encountered some reminders why I don't need to be fearful. The main character of thebook I'm reading is completely paralyzed by fear & has made I John 4:18 her mantra. She is constantly saying "Perfect love drives out fear." and "There is no fear in love." And now here is your post with another reminder. I think maybe I'm supposed to be learning something.:) I may have to do another post about fear this week. Thanks for sharing this!

1/28/2007 9:11 PM  

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