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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

12 Weeks Old.

Dear Owen,

You are exactly 12 weeks old to the minute while I type this.

You survived summer vacation this week and you were the ninth kid, officially outnumbering the adults. It took you a few days to become acclimated to all the new people and the new surroundings. By the end of the week, it didn't matter so much who held you or where you slept.

You enjoy watching Sportscenter and hunting videos with Daddy.

You have the most inquisitive waking up faces.
Auntie Jayci gave me the idea to prop you up on the Boppy to encourage you to hold up your head. However, you mostly just rested your head and looked around.

You are still making things difficult when someone other than your mommy or daddy hold you. People mostly comment on your "good set of lungs". What are we going to do with you?

Next week is your appointment for your three month pictures at Kiddie Kandids. What shall you wear?



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