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Friday, July 06, 2007

One Month Old and/or Five Weeks Old.

Dear Owen,

This week has been all about getting to know you and how you tick. We have basically discovered that you are a “touchy” baby. You really only sleep well in your own bed exactly one hour after you wake up. Which means you eat and then have about 15 minutes of awake time before you start to yawn and then cry. This is a small window of opportunity that many do not get to see. Your daddy and I savor each one and try to get more smiles out of you during them.

Sunday was one of the hardest days because you woke up at 7, ate and then were cranky for an hour, refusing to go back to bed. Considering the fact that I had planned to get ready at 7 and then get you ready at 8, we didn’t end up going to church. Sunday night we went over to Grammy and Papa’s house to meet the rest of the extended Bartlow gang for dinner and dedication time for you. Several people prayed for you-for your future and God’s plan for your life. Those who were there: Kirk Bartlow’s family, Brant Bartlow’s family, Murray Bartlow’s family, Whit Bartlow, Vonnie McDaniel, Alan and Jeanine Fitzgerald, Nikki Peed, Grammy and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Brian, Auntie Angie, Cousins Ally, Parker, and Audrey, Anthony, Marissa, and Alli, and Mommy and Daddy.

Your eyelashes are getting super long now. It seems that they all of a sudden popped out. They are something every girl will envy, like I envy your daddy’s eyelashes.

Lastly, you had a growth spurt this week. You decided to eat every two to two and half hours instead of every three. Your weighing in at 11 pounds proves the growth. (We weighed you at Anthony and Marissa’s on their baby scale.)

Each week I feel more and more at peace in raising you because I get clued in to more things about you. And, each day I love you more

Nicknames this week: Stinker Pots, Owey-Oh, Fussy Gus, Cuter Little Fellered, Lova Bug, Little O.

Love, Momma


Blogger Diane said...

I love the nicknames! He'll probably always be "Dagwood" to Papaberger... I didn't get to see him too much at the 4th of July picnic. He was sleeping and then Aunt Stephanie had him plastered to her bosom the rest of the time!

I know this is an intense time for you and Byron. Little "Awsome Owen" is a very lucky boy to have you for parents.

I love you all,
Auntie Di

7/07/2007 2:31 PM  

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