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Monday, February 18, 2008

Favorite Clothes.

One of my many goals (Godly Ordained Activities for my Life) is to find ways to increase our finances and not deplete them. One of the most recent things I have done was to downsize my clothes (and Byron's and Owen's) so that I (we) only have what I (we) need (which can be relative) and not mounds and mounds of extras just in case I didn't get the laundry done this week or last week or (should I even say it) the week before that! I am trying to purpose to do a load of laundry or two every day (Mondays:Darks, Tuesdays:Whites, Wednesdays:Towels, Thursdays:Rugs, Rags, Fridays: Darks, Saturdays: Whites, Sheets). Can we say "Type A"? Anyways, as I was folding and putting away laundry (my least favorite part of doing laundry-the putting away), I remembered a family that I used to babysit for through junior high. The mom did all the dirty laundry at the end of each day, so the kid's clothes that they wore that day were clean and ready to wear the very next day. It was amazing. Looking back, she was an extremely organized person that probably rubbed off on me. The next day the kids would want to wear exactly what they wore the day before because they just plain loved those particular outfits and the mom let them because they were clean. I never really thought anything was wrong with them wearing the same clothes over and over again, and the family was well off, so it wasn't like they were hurting for new clothes. Now, as I am trying to stay on top of the laundry, I find myself putting Owen in the same outfit repeatedly because it is my favorite on him and because it is clean. I also do the same thing with myself. I have a favorite pair of jeans that I pair with a t-shirt and running shoes whenever I stay near home (I can just picture myself on What Not To Wear right now, ugh). Am I the only one? Or, do each of you do the same thing and stick to the favorites more often?

This is my favorite outfit on Owen and no teasing me when you see him in it in person...


Blogger Debbie Brown said...

Yeah, you're weird.

Actually, I do have a favorite go-to pair of jeans, but I'm trying not to wear them too much so as to hopefully help them last a bit longer...

2/19/2008 8:47 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I do usually have certain favorite outfits I end up liking on the boys. It's a little harder with Garrett because he has to get dressed twice - once in playclothes for the morning and once in the school clothes in the afternoon. Carson has a favorite shirt he asks for just about everyday. It's his Halloween shirt. It just has a pumpkin on it but he loves it. I try to wash it as much as I can so he can wear it often.

2/19/2008 2:50 PM  

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