His Tractor's Sexy

Yup. My Husband's a Farmer!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's Going On With You?

I have been a picture taking slacker, so no pictures on this post (sad). Our lives have been busy, busy (because they weren't already). Byron is back into full swing work (barn building, house building, etc) and has decided to stop farming (except for the occasional hay work). If you saw my sister's post, then ignore this next line. Byron, myself, my sister, Anthony, Mike Nelson, Jeff Williamson (Byron's cousin), and Isaac Kimball have all signed up for Robie Creek (there I go being certifiable again) among many others we know. So, our lives are FILLED with running and/or biking, stair stepping... I am back to the 5 am mornings of Rec Center bliss, ha. Owen is "helping" his momma get the house in order and the tax paperwork off to the accountant (farmers turn theirs in at the beginning of March). So, that is the latest...

Our current endeavor is to figure out exactly which naps Owen needs to take. According to him, and to my perfect world, would be for him to take a 45 minute nap in the morning and then a 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap in the afternoon and then to bed early (like 7:30, at least). However, what do I do on the mornings where we aren't at home (ie:Sundays)? What is normal? Any advice?


Blogger Ellie's Mama said...

Ellie still takes two naps a day right now. She usually gets up at 6:30am or so. Her morning nap is from 8:45 - 9:30am (give or take) and then her afternoon nap is from 1-2:30pm. We start our bedtime routine around 6:45pm with bath, followed by songs, pj's, and nursing and into bed by 7:15pm.

We don't do *anything* that messes this schedule up ;) That probably stems from her not sleeping through the night until she was 11 months old, but in our house naptime is sacred. Lucky for us, our church has an 11am service, so we hit church after morning nap.

Hope that helps a little!

2/28/2008 8:55 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

When my kids were on that schedule I just resigned myself to the fact that their naps ruled the family schedule for awhile & that we only had a few hours during the day to get out and get stuff done.
Now as far as naps on Sundays, that can be a mess. I would say either do what Amber suggested and come before or after his nap or just forget scheduled naps on Sunday and let him get it in when he can.
I can't believe you're running Robie Creek. I mean I can because you've been talking about it all year but that's just nuts! :)

2/28/2008 10:03 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

My kids, when they were under a year, took a nap at church where they had a nice dark room with a crib. When they hit 1-2 they wouldn't get a nap and would be very crabby until we got home from church. Nobody ever wants to work in the 1-2 room at church cause all the babies are sleep deprived. It's only for one day though, and they acclimate. Especially when you have multiple kiddos, the little ones learn to be flexible, within reason of course. One of my pet peeves is people who get upset at their children's behavior when the kids are just simply in need of sleep...OK off my soapbox now! :) Good luck!

2/28/2008 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becca! I just read all of your blog current and past. I love this thing you got going, now I feel like I can get caught up on you anytime :) I saw your mom today and decided that I need to go to Idaho one of these days :) ~Becky Weber

3/02/2008 1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bec, we just have Eli skip his morning nap on Sundays. -Mike Nelson

3/02/2008 8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara's typical schedule is
7am awake
1 1/2hour morning nap
1 hour afternoon nap
7pm bedtime

She's starting to resist the second nap on some days but I still leave her in her crib for 30-45 min for "quiet time" in the afternoons.

Sundays are tricky. I try to get Sara ready for church and then put her down at 9am. I get her up at 10am right before we leave.


3/04/2008 10:25 AM  

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