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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Wonderful Unexpected Visit.

Two weeks ago Byron's cousin, Aaron, and his wife, Becky, and kids, Nathan and Joel, came for a unexpected visit. We realized that it had been almost two years since we had seen them. They were here for about a week and we got in as much time with them as we could.

Here is Auntie Di reading Joel a Dr. Seuss book. It was quite the book too. I believe it was There's A Wocket In My Pocket. Check it out at the library the next time you get the chance. Seriously...

Brody and Nathan playing checkers (and making funny faces).

And then I thought that I would throw in a picture of Owen from this morning's breakfast. He goes to the doc tomorrow for his nine month check up. The kid is pretty much completely on formula now and I could have sworn that he gained five pounds in the last two or three days. He is HEAVY. He is also teething and has a runny nose as a result. So, he is a-changing... and each and every day is a blessing (even the looooong days).


Blogger Diane said...

Oh, how fun. I haven't even had time to get my pictures downloaded since Aaron and family were here. There's several of Joel and me and that wonderful book! As you know - thanks for taking them!

Auntie Di

3/06/2008 7:58 AM  

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