Not A Baby Anymore.
On May 29th (I know, three weeks ago!), our little guy turned a year old! We celebrated with a camouflage party and asked those in attendance to wear camo if they had it. Most everyone was able to humor us-even my dad broke out some pretty sweet camo pants. My sister and I were impressed with our "cool" dad;) I picked up some camo face paint and had Deb finish Owen's outfit. As you will see in later pictures, the face paint kind of stained his face, but it was worth the cuteness.
Owen handled the 30+ people well and listened attentively to everyone sing Happy Birthday.
He even ate his cake with a fork! (fork not pictured)
Overall, the party was a success and we thoroughly appreciated everyone making the effort for our little boy!
Owen's one year check-up produced these lovely numbers on June 3rd: Weight: 21 lbs. 3 ounces (25%). Height: 29.5 inches (50%). Head Circumference: 49.5 cm (97%).
I am okay with him not being a baby anymore, I have truly enjoyed each and every stage and look forward to the next. Maybe my last kid will be the one that I hang on to every little baby thing and hope that they don't get older too fast.